How to Leverage Media After Your Live Event Ends
We recently traveled to sunny San Diego for our client's bi-annual event conference. While there we offered the following multimedia services for them...
Video capture of the event highlights, guest speakers, excited attendees and lovely location
Photography of the live event, attendees interacting, engaging speakers and location feeling
Social media live posts - using live digital media capture we could share to Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter while at the event.
Live Event Presentation - We showed off about 100 photos and some video clips at the end of the event to build help personal engagement, while there!
Simply use your smarthphone in 'panoramic' mode to show a large room or crowd.
Now, we hope you capture your live events with some engaging photos and video, even if just using your smartphone for some still and video clips. After your event here are some top marketing ideas to help leverage your event and for future marketing projects:
Create a blog post or a series of posts, about the overall impact, insights and ideas from the event
Once home, shoot a new video about your overall experiences and impact of being there, 1-3 minute overview short, use the footage to cut-away to.
Capture testimonial videos at the event and then share them to your social media and website, Youtube channel
Post the photos to your company Facebook page, this helps new and existing page fans feel more connected.
Use the images to create new marketing assets, cover images, cards, flyers and promotional materials for future usage.
Send the attendees their photos to help enroll them in the next event, we love private Smugmug galleries for this.
Send the photos or videos to potential new customers to enroll them in campaign emails or future event landing pages.
Cut the videos into tiny 30-60 second parts and share to Instagram over a scheduled timeline.
This private event group had met for years but never captured a group photo!